Monday, January 25, 2010

The next level...

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I recieved the official invitation to take the FSOT. Up until today it has been only an idea, a vaguely, distant dream on the horizon. Today the reality of it all has reared its head. Today I have to ask myself if I'm ready. Today really is the first day of the rest of my life, so to speak.

In the few minutes since registering for the test, I've had a flood of ideas of a plan. Already this year I've proven that I can accomplish difficult tasks. I changed my diet and started excercising and have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks. So, I am confident that I can fully prepare for this momenteous undertaking.

Here's my plan.

1. Read, like I've never read before. I will read about foreign affairs, international economic conditions, current events and the two weakest areas of the exam noted on the last blog entry.

2. Write. Since I continue to be a full-time undergraduate student, I have opportunities to write, every week. Now I must focus on writing well, structured paragraphs that convey my point or argument.

3. Practice. I have the official study guide, access to web-based practice exams, the FSOT WIKI and a good, smart wife to help me study.

4. Lastly, I need to believe in myself and focus on the goal. To take it to the next level....

And were off!

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