Sunday, December 13, 2009

To study or to play, that is the question.

I read an interesting article on today. Apparently the brain is like a muscle, it can be worked out and buffed up. The article talked about how a child's IQ can change significantly, swinging in both directions. This kind of makes sense to me because I felt like I became a different person after I completed boot camp. It would make sense that the changes are linked with hormonal changes, like when a women becomes pregnant. I understand that hormones cause her brain to change, permanently.
So, here's my question. I understand that an increased intelligence helps me to reach my far-reaching goals, yet I do not constantly flex my brain muscle. Today I feel like playing. I know what I should do....but playing is fun.
I'm opting to study because change cannot come without sacrifice. My goal, my passion is to evolve, to change myself. There will be time later for games.

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